Move to ansible-public root directory
To test access to all servers, execute:
ansible -i inventories/customer -m ping all
To deploy all components, execute:
ansible-playbook -i inventories/customer playbooks/site.yml
**Note:** if you are connecting to the hosts via a sudoer user instead of `root`, you should call `ansible-playbook` with the `--become` parameter (see `ansible-playbook` help for more informations).
Additionnaly, each role is splitted into 3 tags:
* "install" to install the application packages required
* "base" to to the base configuration of the application
* "configure" to deploy specific configurations for the role
You can limit your deployment to this tags by using `--tags <tag_name>` to your ansible command.
To personalise components to install/configure during the deployment, the best method is to duplicate and edit the `site.yml` playbook to suit your needs.