Move to ansible-public root directory
To test access to all servers, execute:
ansible -i inventories/customer -m ping all
To deploy all components, execute:
ansible-playbook -i inventories/customer playbooks/site.yml
If you want to limit and deploy specific part, you can add a `tag`:
ansible-playbook -i inventories/customer -t <tag> playbooks/site.yml
The avalaible tags are:
| Component | Tag |
| mediaserver | `server` |
| mediaworker | `worker` |
| mirismanager | `manager` |
| mediaimport | `import` |
| mediavault | `vault` |
| celerity | `celerity` |
| ... | ... |
To view all tags avalaible, run:
awk '/tags:/ && !/always/ {print $2}' ./playbooks/site.yml