Stéphane Diemer authoredStéphane Diemer authored
The Ansible deployment will be done through SSH, so you must be able to connect to all the involved hosts by using SSH public key authentication.
To create a key pair:
ssh-keygen -t ed25519
Copy the public key to the root account of all involved hosts:
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub root@<SERVER-X>
You can also add the content of ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub
to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
of the root
account of destination hosts.
Move to ansible directory
cd ./ansible
Make a copy of the example
inventory and eventually customize it with the customer informations.
# for standard deployment
cp -r inventories/example inventories/customer
# for HA deployement
cp -r inventories/example-ha inventories/customer
There are also inventories for local deployment, you can use one of these lines:
cp -r inventories/local-full inventories/customer
cp -r inventories/local-mediaserver inventories/customer
cp -r inventories/local-mediaworker inventories/customer
Hosts and Groups
Edit inventories/customer/hosts
to match your inrastructure.
If you use a local-* inventory, copy inventories/customer/host_vars/localhost.dist.yml
to inventories/customer/host_vars/localhost.yml
You must at least configure:
values ininventories/customer/host_vars/<host>.yml
If you want to set/override a variable for:
- all:
. - a group:
. - a host:
If hosts have a proxy you have to set the proxy settings in the inventory variables, in inventories/mcustomer/group_vars/all.yml
proxy_http: http://proxy.my-customer.net:3128
proxy_https: http://proxy.my-customer.net:3128
Make sure Ansible can connect to all the hosts:
ansible -i inventories/customer -m ping all
mymediaserver | SUCCESS => {
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong"