- name: install apt-transport-https
force_apt_get: true
install_recommends: false
name: apt-transport-https
state: latest
register: apt_status
retries: 60
until: apt_status is success or ('Failed to lock apt for exclusive operation' not in apt_status.msg and '/var/lib/dpkg/lock' not in apt_status.msg)
- name: install elastic GPG key
state: present
- name: install elastic repository
repo: deb stable main
- name: install metricbeat
force_apt_get: true
install_recommends: false
name: metricbeat
state: latest
register: apt_status
retries: 60
until: apt_status is success or ('Failed to lock apt for exclusive operation' not in apt_status.msg and '/var/lib/dpkg/lock' not in apt_status.msg)
- name: install metricbeat configuration
src: metricbeat.yml.j2
dest: /etc/metricbeat/metricbeat.yml
notify: restart metricbeat
- name: enable metricbeat dashboard
cmd: metricbeat setup
changed_when: false
when: inventory_hostname == groups['mediaserver'][0]
- name: enable sql metricbeat configuration
src: postgresql.yml.j2
dest: /etc/metricbeat/modules.d/postgresql.yml
when: "'postgres' in group_names"
notify: restart metricbeat
- name: enable metricbeat client
name: metricbeat
enabled: true
state: started