# Contributing guide
## External software
Please read the tools documentations and the associated best practices.
- [Ansible documentation](
- [Molecule documentation](
- [TestInfra documentation](
## Developpement environment
Install all [required tools]( and then execute:
make requirements-dev
Then install [docker]( (it is used to deploy components in container).
## Test
To check that your "code" is compliant:
make lint
To run Ansible tests, you will need the same configuration as in the CI, then run:
# run default test
make test
# show debug logs
DEBUG=1 make test
# do not destroy tests containers
KEEP=1 make test
If you add/modify a role, please write relevants tests in `molecule/default/tests`.
## Test changes in a docker container
A command is available in the make file to deploy the full product in a docker container.
First, you need to set a correct value for `skyreach_system_key` in this file:
To instantiate the docker container and to run the deployment, start this command:
make deploy-test-container
The docker container is named "ansibletest".
To access the container:
make enter-test-container