-[Packer](https://packer.io): this is the tool that will automate all the steps of image creation
-[Packer](https://packer.io): this is the tool that will automate all the steps of image creation
-[Ansible](https://docs.ansible.com/): this is the tool that will be used to provision the virtual machine (take a look at </requirements.txt> fo exact Ansible requirements)
-[Ansible](https://docs.ansible.com/): this is the tool that will be used to provision the virtual machine (take a look at the [requirements.txt file](/requirements.txt) fo exact Ansible requirements)
-[VMware OVF Tool](https://code.vmware.com/web/tool/4.4.0/ovf): this is required by Packer to export the image from the VMware Hypervisor
-[VMware OVF Tool](https://code.vmware.com/web/tool/4.4.0/ovf): this is required by Packer to export the image from the VMware Hypervisor