*`inventories/<client-ha>/hosts` : change the IP addresses according to the real deployment environment
*`inventories/<client-ha>/group_vars/all.yml` : adapt the IP addresses following the `server pgX` and `server msX` statements
*`inventories/<client-ha>/host_vars/*.yml` : in every file put the skyreach API key in place of the `changeme` statement
## Verification
Before deploying, check that every computer is accessible from ansible with the following command :
ansible -i inventories/<client-ha> -m ping all
If a computer response is `UNREACHABLE`, check if he is powered on and accessible through SSH
## Deployment
You can deploy the environment with the following command :
make deploy-ha i=inventories/<client-ha>
# Known error (patched in the next skyreach release)
If the following error is encountered during the deployment :
Action "init" failed:
Database creation failed. The following command exited with code 2:
PGPASSWORD='*****' psql -w-q-A-h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -c"CREATE USER skyreach WITH PASSWORD '******';"
psql: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "postgres"
FATAL: password authentication failed for user "postgres"
It may be linked to a current skyreach bug (a patch is waiting to be deployed at the time of writing) causing it not to take the DB_PORT from mirismanager configuration in account (5432 instead of 54321 for HA).
You can edit the skyreach configuration manual with the following command :