Something went wrong on our end
Stéphane Diemer authoredStéphane Diemer authored 4.18 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Criticality: Normal
Checks that the streaming server (Wowza) is running correctly.
from pathlib import Path
import re
import subprocess # nosec: B404
import sys
from defusedxml.ElementTree import parse
from psutil import net_connections
# pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
import utils as u # noqa: E402
def main():
"""Run all checks and exits with corresponding exit code."""
print("Checking Wowza settings:")
warnings = 0
errors = 0
# check if wowza is installed
if not check_installed():
# check wowza version
check_warn, check_err = check_version()
if check_err:
errors += 1
elif check_warn:
warnings += 1
# check wowza heap size
check_warn, check_err = check_heap_size()
if check_err:
errors += 1
elif check_warn:
warnings += 1
# check that wowza is running
check_warn, check_err = check_running()
if check_err:
errors += 1
elif check_warn:
warnings += 1
# check that wowza is listening
check_warn, check_err = check_listening()
if check_err:
errors += 1
elif check_warn:
warnings += 1
if errors:
elif warnings:
def check_installed() -> bool:
"""Check that Wowza is installed.
:return: Exit return codes
:rtype: bool
cmd = "dpkg --get-selections 'wowza*'"
out = subprocess.getoutput(cmd)
state = out.split()[-1]
if state != "install":"not installed, skip test")
return False
return True
def check_version() -> tuple:
"""Check the Wowza version installed.
:return: Exit return codes
:rtype: bool
warnings = 0
errors = 0
cmd = "dpkg --get-selections 'wowza*'"
out = subprocess.getoutput(cmd)
version = None
for line in out.split("\n"):
if line.split()[-1] == "install":
if version:
u.error("many Wowza versions installed, keep only latest")
errors += 1
version = ".".join(re.findall(r"\d", line))
if not version:
u.error("cannot find wWowza version")
errors += 1
if version != LATEST_VERSION:
u.warning("using outdated version: {}".format(version))
warnings += 1
u.success("using recommended version: {}".format(LATEST_VERSION))
return warnings, errors
def check_heap_size() -> tuple:
"""Check the heap size configured.
:return: Exit return codes
:rtype: bool
warnings = 0
errors = 0
cmd = "grep '<HeapSize>2000M</HeapSize>' /usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine/conf/Tune.xml"
check_heap, _ = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if check_heap != 0:
u.warning("not using recommended heap size")
warnings += 1
u.success("using recommended heap size")
return warnings, errors
def check_running() -> tuple:
"""Check that Wowza is running.
:return: Exit return codes
:rtype: bool
warnings = 0
errors = 0
cmd = "systemctl status WowzaStreamingEngine"
out = subprocess.getoutput(cmd)
if "Active: active (running)" not in out:
u.error("service not running")
errors += 1
u.success("service running")
return warnings, errors
def check_listening() -> tuple:
"""Check that Wowza is listening on configured port.
:return: Exit return codes
:rtype: bool
warnings = 0
errors = 0
# get port number in Wowza config
conf = parse("/usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine/conf/VHost.xml").getroot()
port = conf.findall("VHost/HostPortList/HostPort/Port")[0].text
# get listening ports
listening = set(
c.laddr[1] for c in net_connections(kind="inet") if c.status == "LISTEN"
# check that system is listening on this port
if int(port) not in listening:
u.error("not listening on port {}".format(port))
errors += 1
u.success("listening on port {}".format(port))
return warnings, errors
if __name__ == "__main__":