Something went wrong on our end
Stéphane Diemer authoredStéphane Diemer authored 2.33 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2017, Florent Thiery
Criticality: Low
Checks that the server is synchronized with the configured NTP server.
from pathlib import Path
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
# pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
from envsetup import utils as u # noqa: E402
def main():
# Check that ntpd is synced
if os.path.isfile('/usr/bin/ntpq'):
cmd = 'LANG=C ntpq -p -d -4'
expected = 'remote'
ntpconf = '/etc/ntp.conf'
ntpconf_expected = r'^(?:server|pool)\s([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)(?:\s*iburst)?$'
cmd = 'LANG=C timedatectl'
expected = 'NTP synchronized'
ntpconf = '/etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf'
ntpconf_expected = r'^NTP=(.*)$'
u.log('Running %s' % cmd)
status = subprocess.getoutput(cmd)
if expected not in status:
u.error('NTP not working: %s' % status)
return 1
u.success('System is NTP synchronized.')
u.log('Checking NTP server conforms to conf...')
if not os.path.isfile('../'):
u.error('Could not find envsetup conf file or not running from expected location.')
return 1
conf = u.load_conf()
expected_servers = None
if conf.get('NTP_SERVER'):
expected_servers = [s.strip() for s in conf['NTP_SERVER'].split(',')]
if not expected_servers:
if 'Ubuntu' in subprocess.getoutput('lsb_release -a'):
expected_servers = ['']
expected_servers = ['']
with open(ntpconf, 'r') as fo:
content =
servers = list()
for line in content.split('\n'):
m = re.match(ntpconf_expected, line)
if m:
for expected_server in expected_servers:
if expected_server not in servers:
u.warning('Warning: Expected NTP server %s not found in %s, found %s instead.' % (expected_server, ntpconf, ', '.join(servers)))
return 3
u.log('Expected NTP server %s found in configuration (total servers: %s).' % (expected_server, len(servers)))
u.success('NTP OK.')
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
code = main()