# Deployment
## Remotely
### All services
make deploy i=inventories/my-customer
### MediaWorker
make deploy i=inventories/my-customer l=mediaworker
make deploy i=inventories/my-customer l=msmonitor
make deploy i=inventories/my-customer l=mirismanager
make deploy i=inventories/my-customer l=mediaserver
make deploy i=inventories/my-customer l=mediaimport
make deploy i=inventories/my-customer l=mediavault
### Celerity
make deploy i=inventories/my-customer l=celerity
### Wowza
make deploy i=inventories/my-customer l=wowza
### Postgres
make deploy i=inventories/my-customer l=postgres
### Netcapture
make deploy i=inventories/my-customer l=netcapture
## Locally
Instead of deploying all host remotely through SSH, you can also clone the envsetup repository on the server as `root` in `~/envsetup`, then enter in the directory, configure the activation or system key and run one of those commands:
make deploy i=inventories/local-mediaserver
make deploy i=inventories/local-mediaworker
make deploy i=inventories/local-mediavault
## Offline
### Requirements
- A local repository with at least all the Debian packages required by the installation, and the UbiCast packages provided in the tar archive
- A `/etc/apt/sources.list` configured to use the local repository
- A copy of the envsetup repository at `/root/envsetup`
- A copy of the configuration file generated by UbiCast located at `/root/envsetup/`
### MediaWorker
cd ~/envsetup/
cp -v inventories/offline-mediaworker/host_vars/localhost{.dist,}.yml
./playbooks/mediaserver.yml -i inventories/offline-mediaworker/
### MediaServer
cd ~/envsetup/
cp -v inventories/offline-mediaserver/host_vars/localhost{.dist,}.yml
./playbooks/mediaserver.yml -i inventories/offline-mediaserver/
## Known issues
- Proxy
If output trafic on the remote hosts is allowed only through a proxy, the deployment will fail.
It won't be able to locally clone repository and get host configuration file from
For "remote" deployment you have to set the proxy settings in the inventory variables, in `inventories/my-customer/group_vars/all.yml`:
For "local" deployment you have to manually set the proxy settings in the `/etc/environment` file: