--- - name: update cache ansible.builtin.apt: force_apt_get: true install_recommends: false update_cache: true register: apt_status retries: 60 until: apt_status is success or ('Failed to lock apt for exclusive operation' not in apt_status.msg and '/var/lib/dpkg/lock' not in apt_status.msg) - name: systemd daemon reload ansible.builtin.systemd: daemon_reload: true - name: update locale ansible.builtin.command: locale-gen # we want to execute locale generation at every execution changed_when: false - name: restart cron ansible.builtin.service: name: cron state: restarted - name: restart sshd ansible.builtin.service: name: sshd state: restarted - name: restart unattended-upgrades ansible.builtin.service: name: unattended-upgrades state: restarted - name: restart ntp ansible.builtin.service: name: ntp state: restarted - name: update cache ansible.builtin.apt: force_apt_get: true install_recommends: false update_cache: true register: apt_status retries: 60 until: apt_status is success or ('Failed to lock apt for exclusive operation' not in apt_status.msg and '/var/lib/dpkg/lock' not in apt_status.msg)