#!/usr/bin/make -f include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/gnome.mk include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/utils.mk include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/autoreconf.mk DEB_BUILD_PARALLEL = 1 DEB_DH_AUTORECONF_ARGS += --as-needed CFLAGS += -Wno-error CXXFLAGS += -Wno-error LDFLAGS += -Wl,-z,defs -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed DEB_MAKE_CHECK_TARGET = check || true # this is for compatibility with dpkg-dev < 1.13.5, see # <http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2005/06/msg00010.html> DEB_HOST_ARCH_CPU := $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH_CPU 2>/dev/null) DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS := $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH_OS 2>/dev/null) # Take account of old dpkg-architecture output. ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH_CPU),) DEB_HOST_ARCH_CPU := $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_GNU_CPU) ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH_CPU),x86_64) DEB_HOST_ARCH_CPU := amd64 endif endif ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS),) DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS := $(subst -gnu,,$(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_GNU_SYSTEM)) ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS),gnu) DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS := hurd endif endif # end of compatibility block # debian package version version=$(shell dpkg-parsechangelog | grep ^Version: | cut -d ' ' -f 2) # upstream version gst_version=$(shell echo $(version) | cut -d '-' -f 1) gst_major=1 gst_minor=0 gst_abi=$(gst_major).$(gst_minor) # gstreamer library package names gst_lib=libgstreamer$(gst_abi)-0 gst_lib_dev=libgstreamer$(gst_abi)-dev # what gstreamer version is needed gst_lib_dev_dep=$(gst_lib_dev) (>= 1.5.2) gst_pkgname=gstreamer$(gst_abi) gst_deb_abi=$(gst_abi)-0 gst_extra_build_depends = gst_extra_build_depends += libraw1394-dev (>= 2.0.0) [linux-any] gst_extra_build_depends += , libiec61883-dev (>= 1.0.0) [linux-any] gst_extra_build_depends += , libavc1394-dev [linux-any] gst_extra_build_depends += , libv4l-dev [linux-any] gst_extra_build_depends += , libgudev-1.0-dev (>= 143) [linux-any] # debug package DEB_DH_STRIP_ARGS := --dbg-package=$(gst_pkgname)-plugins-good-dbg # disable all CPU specific optimizations in commands launched by this Makefile # using liboil; this is to work around liboil related build failures which # are not specially interesting to catch on buildds as these might run very # specific hardware OIL_CPU_FLAGS=0 export OIL_CPU_FLAGS # The plugins are basically the same. # Link special names to a template file. # still need "*.install" to be done by hand PLUGINS += pulseaudio plugins-good CONFIG_ARGS := ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS),linux) PLUGINS += endif VERSIONIZE= \ plugins-good-doc.install \ ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS),linux) 1394 = debian/tmp/usr/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)/gstreamer-$(gst_abi)/libgst1394.so video4linux2 = debian/tmp/usr/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)/gstreamer-$(gst_abi)/libgstvideo4linux2.so endif ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS),hurd) CONFIG_ARGS += --disable-oss4 else oss4 = debian/tmp/usr/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)/gstreamer-$(gst_abi)/libgstoss4audio.so endif ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS),linux) DEFAULT_AUDIOSINK = autoaudiosink DEFAULT_AUDIOSRC = autoaudiosrc DEFAULT_VIDEOSINK = autovideosink DEFAULT_VIDEOSRC = v4l2src DEFAULT_VISUALIZER = goom else DEFAULT_AUDIOSINK = autoaudiosink DEFAULT_AUDIOSRC = autoaudiosrc DEFAULT_VIDEOSINK = autovideosink DEFAULT_VIDEOSRC = videotestsrc DEFAULT_VISUALIZER = goom endif # Let's decide the package name and url depending on the distribution DISTRO = "$(shell dpkg-vendor --query vendor)" GST_PACKAGE_NAME := "GStreamer Good Plugins (unknown Debian derivative)" GST_PACKAGE_ORIGIN="http://packages.qa.debian.org/gst-plugins-good$(gst_abi)" ifeq ($(DISTRO),"Debian") GST_PACKAGE_NAME := "GStreamer Good Plugins (Debian)" GST_PACKAGE_ORIGIN="http://packages.qa.debian.org/gst-plugins-good$(gst_abi)" endif ifeq ($(DISTRO),"Ubuntu") GST_PACKAGE_NAME := "GStreamer Good Plugins (Ubuntu)" GST_PACKAGE_ORIGIN="https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/gst-plugins-good$(gst_abi)" endif # setup links for packages pre-build:: for p in $(PLUGINS); do \ rm -f debian/$(gst_pkgname)-$$p.install; \ sed \ -e 's/@GST_ABI@/$(gst_abi)/g' \ -e 's,@1394@,$(1394),g' \ -e 's,@video4linux2@,$(video4linux2),g' \ -e 's,@oss4@,$(oss4),g' \ debian/gstreamer-$$p.install \ > debian/$(gst_pkgname)-$$p.install; \ done for f in $(VERSIONIZE); do \ sed 's/@GST_ABI@/$(gst_abi)/g' debian/gstreamer-$$f \ > debian/$(gst_pkgname)-$$f; \ done maint: debian/control debian/build-deps: debian/build-deps.in debian/rules cat $< > $@ debian/control:: debian/control.in debian/build-deps debian/mk.control debian/rules perl debian/mk.control | sed \ -e 's/@GST_VERSION@/$(gst_version)/g' \ -e 's/@GST_ABI@/$(gst_abi)/g' \ -e 's/@GST_PKGNAME@/$(gst_pkgname)/g' \ -e 's/@GST_LIB@/$(gst_lib)/g' \ -e 's/@GST_LIB_DEV@/$(gst_lib_dev)/g' \ -e 's/@GST_LIB_DEV_DEP@/$(gst_lib_dev_dep)/g' \ -e 's/@GST_EXTRA_BUILD_DEPENDS@/$(gst_extra_build_depends)/g' \ >$@ DEB_CONFIGURE_EXTRA_FLAGS += \ --libdir=\$${prefix}/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH) \ --disable-examples \ --enable-DEBUG \ --enable-debug \ --with-package-name=$(GST_PACKAGE_NAME) \ --with-package-origin=$(GST_PACKAGE_ORIGIN) \ --enable-gtk-doc \ --enable-experimental \ --with-default-audiosink=$(DEFAULT_AUDIOSINK) \ --with-default-audiosrc=$(DEFAULT_AUDIOSRC) \ --with-default-videosink=$(DEFAULT_VIDEOSINK) \ --with-default-videosrc=$(DEFAULT_VIDEOSRC) \ --with-default-visualizer=$(DEFAULT_VISUALIZER) \ $(CONFIG_ARGS) clean:: # get rid of the sym links for i in $(PLUGINS); do \ rm -f debian/$(gst_pkgname)-$$i.install; \ rm -f debian/$(gst_pkgname)-$$i.preinst; \ done for f in $(VERSIONIZE); do \ rm -f debian/$(gst_pkgname)-$$f; \ done common-binary-fixup-arch:: dh_gstscancodecs DEB_INSTALL_DOCS_ALL += debian/README.Debian NEWS # Disable inclusion of large upstream ChangeLog DEB_INSTALL_CHANGELOGS_ALL := .PHONY: maint