Hacking GStreamer for Debian ============================ An addition to the README.Debian that has Debian package hacking notes. Everything should now be versioned. - To update dependencies edit debian/build-deps.in - To rebuild package files from .in files: debian/rules maint - After a version update to check for missing files run: debian/maint missing debian/maint missing-libs debian/maint missing-so - To update package files edit gstreamer-foo then rebuild package files. This will generate the gstreamerX.Y-foo file. Also update debian/rules and debian/control.in as needed. - The packaging tries to stay close of upstream choice. gstreamerX.Y-misc has most of the files, extra packages are made for the sinks and by group of depends (gnome, x, ...) - Provide gstreamerX.Y-videosink and gstreamerX.Y-audiosink as needed. - All interfaces and generic libraries go in libgstreamer-plugins, libraries with external dependencies have their own package such as libgstreamer-gconf. - Applications go in gstreamerX.Y-plugins-base-apps File listing ------------ build-deps: - generated from "build-deps.in" in "rules debian/build-deps:": * "build-deps.in" lists build-depends for Debian main packages - serves generation with "control.in" and "mk.control" of "control" in "rules debian/control::" build-deps.in: - lists build-depends for Debian main packages - serves generation with "extra deps" of "build-deps" in "rules debian/build-deps:" changelog: handled classically compat: handled classically control: - generated for "rules maint" - generated from "control.in" and "build-deps" in "rules debian/control::": * "build-deps" lists build-depends to be inserted in "control Build-Depends:" * "control.in" serves of template for package descriptions of Debian main packages and makes use of special stanzas enclosed in "@" such as "@GST_ABI" which are replaced via sed in "rules debian/control::" control.in: - serves generation of "control" in "rules debian/control::" via "mk.control" called in "rules debian/control::" - template for package descriptions of Debian main packages and makes use of special stanzas enclosed in "@" such as "@GST_ABI" which are replaced via sed in "rules debian/control::" copyright: handled classically gstreamer-$plugin.install: - serves the generation of $gst_pkgname-$plugin.install (for example gstreamer-alsa.install serves the generation of gstreamerX.Y-alsa.install) in "rules pre-build::" via dynamic "@"-enclosed variables replacement - some plugins are handled specially and some special variables are available gstreamer-plugins-base-apps.install: this isn't really a plugin, but the gstreamerX.Y-plugins-base-apps package gstreamer-plugins-base-apps.manpages: man pages for the gstreamerX.Y-plugins-base-apps package HACKING.Debian: this file libgstreamer-plugins-base-dev.install libgstreamer-plugins-base.install: handled similarly has gstreamerX.Y-plugins-base-apps maint: makefile wrapping some targets of "rules" with some sh filtering mk.control: - Perl script serving the generation of "control" which reads "build-deps" and "control.in", and replaces the "BUILDDEPS" stanza with the build-deps patches: handled classically README.Debian: handled classically rules: handled classically, with special targets "maint:", and "debian/build-deps:" watch: handled classically This file is the initial work of: David I. Lehn <dlehn@debian.org> Tue, 13 Apr 2004 21:28:55 -0400 and had some additions by: Loic Minier <lool@dooz.org> Sun, 19 Jun 2005 19:04:58 +0200 Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org> Wed, 14 Dec 2005 17:00:21 +0100