#!/bin/bash source /root/envsetup/global-conf.sh echo -e " ${RED}Customer parameters will be applied after rebooting. Note that you won't be able to login to the machine after this operation !${NC}" # set customer IP (/etc/network/interfaces) sed -i "s@192\.168\.40\.10.*@${NETWORK_IP}@" /etc/network/interfaces sed -i "s@255\.255\.252\..*@${NETWORK_MASK}@" /etc/network/interfaces sed -i "s@192\.168\.40\..*@${NETWORK_GATEWAY}@" /etc/network/interfaces # backup-server specific if ( test -f /usr/sbin/burp ) then # changer burp status IP sed -i "s@^BURP_CLIENT_MAIL_DEST=.*@BURP_CLIENT_MAIL_DEST=${BURP_CLIENT_MAIL_DEST}@" /root/burp-custom.sh sed -i "s@admin: .*@admin: ${BURP_CLIENT_MAIL_DEST}" /etc/aliases newaliases fi # set customer DNS echo "nameserver ${NETWORK_DNS1}" > /etc/resolv.conf echo "nameserver ${NETWORK_DNS2}" >> /etc/resolv.conf # set customer NTP sed -i "s@^server .*@@" /etc/ntp.conf echo "" >> /etc/ntp.conf echo "server ${NTP_SERVER1}" >> /etc/ntp.conf if ( ! test -z ${NTP_SERVER2} ) then echo "server ${NTP_SERVER2}" >> /etc/ntp.conf fi if ( ! test -z ${NTP_SERVER3} ) then echo "server ${NTP_SERVER3}" >> /etc/ntp.conf fi service ntp restart # set email sender if ( ! test -z ${EMAIL_SENDER} ) then echo "#DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = '${EMAIL_SENDER}'" >> /etc/mediaserver/msconf.py echo "#DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = '${EMAIL_SENDER}'" >> /home/skyreach/htdocs/skyreach_site/settings_override.py fi # set locale echo -e "${CYAN}You will now change the locales.${NC}" locale-gen en_GB.UTF-8 dpkg-reconfigure locales update-locale LANG=en_GB.UTF-8 LANGUAGE=en_GB.UTF-8 LC_ALL=en_GB.UTF-8 LC_MESSAGES=en_GB.UTF-8 #dpkg-reconfigure console-data #dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration # set TZ echo -e "${CYAN}You will now change the time zone.${NC}" dpkg-reconfigure tzdata