SHELL := /bin/bash DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME := VENV := /tmp/pyvensetup ANSIBLE_CONFIG := ansible/ansible.cfg PIP_BIN = $(shell command -v $(VENV)/bin/pip3 || command -v pip3 || echo pip3) PIP_COMPILE_BIN = $(shell command -v $(VENV)/bin/pip-compile || command -v pip-compile) ANSIBLE_BIN = $(shell command -v ansible || command -v $(VENV)/bin/ansible) ANSIBLE_PLAYBOOK_BIN = $(shell command -v ansible-playbook || command -v $(VENV)/bin/ansible-playbook) ANSIBLE_LINT_BIN = $(shell command -v ansible-lint || command -v $(VENV)/bin/ansible-lint) ANSIBLE_GALAXY_BIN = $(shell command -v ansible-galaxy || command -v $(VENV)/bin/ansible-galaxy || echo ansible-galaxy) YAMLLINT_BIN = $(shell command -v yamllint || command -v $(VENV)/bin/yamllint) FLAKE8_BIN = $(shell command -v flake8 || command -v $(VENV)/bin/flake8) # molecule tests flags ifdef debug MOLECULE_FLAGS += --debug endif ifdef keep MOLECULE_TEST_FLAGS += --destroy=never endif ifdef pf-std MOLECULE_TEST_FLAGS += --scenario-name pf-std endif ifdef pf-ha MOLECULE_TEST_FLAGS += --scenario-name pf-ha endif ifdef pgsql-ha MOLECULE_TEST_FLAGS += --scenario-name pgsql-ha endif .PHONY: all ## TARGET: DESCRIPTION: ARGS all: help .PHONY: venv ## venv: Install python3-venv and create a temporary virtualenv venv: -@command -v apt-get >/dev/null && apt-get update && apt-get install -y python3-venv @command -v $(PIP_BIN) > /dev/null || python3 -m venv $(VENV) ## ansible/requirements.txt: Update requirements and their depende.dockeres ## ansible/ Update development requirements and their depende.dockeres %.txt: $(PIP_COMPILE_BIN) -U $^ -o $@ chmod 644 $@ .PHONY: install ## install: Install requirements install: venv $(PIP_BIN) install -U pip wheel $(PIP_BIN) install -r ansible/requirements.txt ANSIBLE_CONFIG=$(ANSIBLE_CONFIG) $(ANSIBLE_GALAXY_BIN) install -r ansible/requirements.yml .PHONY: install-dev ## install-dev: Install development requirements install-dev: install $(PIP_BIN) install -r ansible/ [ -d .git/hooks ] || mkdir .git/hooks ln -sfv .githooks/pre-commit .git/hooks/ || echo "Failed to create pre-commit link" .PHONY: lint ## lint: Run linters on the project lint: $(FLAKE8_BIN) --config .lint/flake8.conf $(YAMLLINT_BIN) --config-file .lint/yamllint.conf . ANSIBLE_CONFIG=$(ANSIBLE_CONFIG) $(ANSIBLE_LINT_BIN) -c .lint/ansible-lint.conf ansible/playbooks/site.yml .lint/ .PHONY: test ## test: Run development tests on the project : SKYREACH_SYSTEM_KEY=<xxx>, debug=1, keep=1, pf-std=1, pgsql-ha=1 test: cd ansible; molecule $(MOLECULE_FLAGS) test $(MOLECULE_TEST_FLAGS) .PHONY: deploy ## deploy: Run deployment playbooks : i=<inventory-path>, l=<host-or-group>, t=<tag> deploy: ifndef i $(error i is undefined) endif ifndef l $(eval l=all) endif ifndef t $(eval t=all) endif ANSIBLE_CONFIG=$(ANSIBLE_CONFIG) $(ANSIBLE_BIN) -i $(i) -l $(l) -m ping all ANSIBLE_CONFIG=$(ANSIBLE_CONFIG) $(ANSIBLE_PLAYBOOK_BIN) -i $(i) ansible/playbooks/site.yml -e conf_update=true -l $(l) -t $(t) .PHONY: docker-build ## docker-build: Run docker image build for.docker docker-build: docker-pull docker build -t $(DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME) -f .docker/Dockerfile . .PHONY: docker-rebuild ## docker-rebuild: Force docker image rebuild docker-rebuild: docker build --pull --no-cache -t $(DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME):root -f .docker/Dockerfile . .PHONY: docker-pull ## docker-pull: Pull Docker image from registry docker-pull: -docker pull $(DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME) .PHONY: docker-push ## docker-push: Push Docker image to registry docker-push: docker push $(DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME) .PHONY: help ## help: Print this help message help: @echo -e "Usage: \n" @sed -n 's/^##//p' ${MAKEFILE_LIST} | column -t -s ':' | sed -e 's/^/ /'