#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import utils

def setup(interactive=True):
    # Get hostname
    utils.log('Getting system hostname.')
    code, hostname = utils.exec_cmd('hostname')
    if code == 0:
        utils.log('Hostname is %s.' % hostname)
        raise Exception('Failed to get hostname.')
    # Install and configure postfix
    dir_path = utils.get_dir(__file__)
    server = utils.get_conf('EMAIL_SMTP_SERVER', '')
    cmds = [
        'DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y postfix mailutils',
        dict(line='write', template='%s/main.cf' % dir_path, target='/etc/postfix/main.cf', params=(
            ('{{ hostname }}', hostname),
            ('{{ smtp }}', server),
    # Configure mail aliases
    if not server:
        # with relayless cases emails are not always delivered to google mailing lists unless mailname is ubicast.eu and DNS spf records are set
        mailname = 'ubicast.eu'
        mailname = utils.get_conf('MS_SERVER_NAME')
        if not mailname or mailname == 'mediaserver':
            mailname = hostname
        'echo "%s" > /etc/mailname' % mailname,
        'rgrep "root:" /etc/aliases || echo "root: sysadmin@ubicast.eu" >> /etc/aliases',
    # Configure mail sender
    sender = utils.get_conf('EMAIL_SENDER', '')
    sender_domain = sender.split('@')[-1]
    if not sender_domain:
        if utils.get_conf('MS_SERVER_NAME', '') not in ('', 'mediaserver'):
            sender_domain = utils.get_conf('MS_SERVER_NAME')
        elif utils.get_conf('CM_SERVER_NAME', '') not in ('', 'mirismanager'):
            sender_domain = utils.get_conf('CM_SERVER_NAME')
        elif utils.get_conf('MONITOR_SERVER_NAME', '') not in ('', 'monitor'):
            sender_domain = utils.get_conf('MONITOR_SERVER_NAME')
    if sender_domain:
            'rm -f /etc/postfix/generic',
            'echo "root@localhost %s@%s" >> /etc/postfix/generic' % (hostname, sender_domain),
            'echo "root@%s %s@%s" >> /etc/postfix/generic' % (hostname, hostname, sender_domain),
            'echo "@%s %s@%s" >> /etc/postfix/generic' % (hostname, hostname, sender_domain),
            'postmap hash:/etc/postfix/generic',
            'sed -i "s/#smtp_generic_maps/smtp_generic_maps/" /etc/postfix/main.cf',
    cmds.append('service postfix restart')
    # Setup authentication if any
    user = utils.get_conf('EMAIL_SMTP_USER')
    if user:
        utils.log('Enabling authentication for SMTP relay.')
        pwd = utils.get_conf('EMAIL_SMTP_PWD', '')
        with open('/etc/postfix/sasl-passwords', 'w') as fo:
            fo.write('%s %s:%s\n' % (server, user, pwd))
        auth_conf = '''
# SMTP relay authentication
smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes
smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sasl-passwords
smtp_sasl_security_options = noanonymous
        with open('/etc/postfix/main.cf', 'a') as fo:
        cmds = [
            'postmap hash:/etc/postfix/sasl-passwords',
            'service postfix restart',