#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Configuration file for environment setup # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! # Put your local configuration in local_conf.py import imp import os # -- System -- system_ntp = 'ntp.ubuntu.com' system_smtp = '' # -- Wowza -- wowza_live_pwd = 'test' wowza_manager_pwd = 'test' wowza_license = '' # -- MediaServer -- ms_server_name = 'mediaserver' ms_id = 'sv_unnamed' ms_api_key = '*****-*****-*****-*****-*****' ms_secret = 'secret' ms_superuser_pwd = '' ms_admin_pwd = '' # -- Monitor -- monitor_server_name = '' monitor_superuser_pwd = '' monitor_admin_pwd = '' # -- SkyReach -- skyreach_server_name = '' skyreach_superuser_pwd = '' skyreach_admin_pwd = '' # -- MySQL -- # if no password is set, it will not be changed or set mysql_root_pwd = '' mysql_host = '' mysql_contact_ip = '' # client IP seen by mysql server # -- Celerity -- celerity_signing_key = 'test' celerity_worker_ip = '' # Import local configuration config_import_status = '' local_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'local_conf.py') if os.path.isfile(local_path): local_conf = imp.load_source('local_conf', local_path) for key in dir(local_conf): if not key.startswith('_'): if key not in globals(): config_import_status += 'Warning: the configuration key "%s" is in local conf but is not used in envsetup.\n' % key else: config_import_status += 'Key imported: "%s" set to "%s".\n' % (key, getattr(local_conf, key)) globals()[key] = getattr(local_conf, key) if not config_import_status: config_import_status = 'No local configuration imported.'