#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Criticality: Normal Checks that DNS records are provided by the customer servers are correctly set """ from pathlib import Path import re import subprocess import sys try: import pydbus except: pass sys.path.append(str(Path(__file__).parents[1].resolve())) # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position from envsetup import utils as u # noqa: E402 def get_dns_servers() -> set: servers = list() ip_pattern = re.compile(r"^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$") # dbus method try: bus = pydbus.SystemBus() bus_client = bus.get("org.freedesktop.resolve1", "/org/freedesktop/resolve1") servers.extend( [".".join(map(str, dns[2])) for dns in bus_client.DNS if dns[1] == 2] ) # IPv4 servers.extend( [":".join(map(str, dns[2])) for dns in bus_client.DNS if dns[1] == 10] ) # IPv6 except Exception as dbus_err: u.info("DBus method failed: {}".format(dbus_err)) # TODO: remove fallback methods below when the dbus one is confirmed to work everwhere # network-manager method if not len(servers) and subprocess.getstatusoutput("command -v nmcli")[0] == 0: _, output = subprocess.getstatusoutput( "nmcli -f all device show | grep IP4.DNS | awk '{ print $2 }'" ) servers = [l for l in output.split("\n") if ip_pattern.match(l)] # resolvconf method if not len(servers) and Path("/etc/resolv.conf").exists(): with open("/etc/resolv.conf", "r") as f: d = f.read().strip() servers = [ l.split()[1] for l in d.split("\n") if l.startswith("nameserver") ] # systemd-resolved method if "" in servers: servers.remove("") _, output = subprocess.getstatusoutput("systemd-resolve --status") lines = [l.strip() for l in output.split("\n")] dns_line = False for line in lines: if line.startswith("DNS Servers:"): dns_line = True servers.append(line.split()[-1]) elif dns_line and ip_pattern.match(line): servers.append(line) else: dns_line = False return set(servers) def get_result(output: str) -> str: for line in output.split("\n"): if "has address " in line: return line.split("has address ")[1] def check_dns(hostname: str, expected_ip: str, resolvers: set) -> tuple: warnings = 0 errors = 0 for resolver in resolvers: status, output = subprocess.getstatusoutput( "host {} {}".format(hostname, resolver) ) if status == 0: address = get_result(output) if address == expected_ip: u.success("dns({}): {} -> {}".format(resolver, hostname, address)) else: u.error( "dns({}): {} -> {} (should be {})".format( resolver, hostname, address, expected_ip ) ) errors += 1 else: u.error("dns({}): cannot resolve {}".format(resolver, hostname)) errors += 1 return warnings, errors def check_resolver(conf: dict, resolvers: set, ip: str) -> tuple: warnings = 0 errors = 0 conf_resolvers_keys = ("NETWORK_DNS1", "NETWORK_DNS2", "NETWORK_DNS3") for conf_resolver_key in conf_resolvers_keys: conf_resolver = conf.get(conf_resolver_key) if conf_resolver and conf_resolver not in resolvers: u.warning("resolver {} not configured".format(conf_resolver)) warnings += 1 if not ip and (not errors): u.info("no resolver defined in envsetup configuration, unable to test DNS") exit(2) return warnings, errors def main(): print("Check DNS settings:") if not u.supported_platform(): u.info("Platform not supported") exit(2) warnings = 0 errors = 0 conf = u.load_conf() resolvers = get_dns_servers() ip = conf.get("NETWORK_IP_NAT") or conf.get("NETWORK_IP") check_resolver_warn, check_resolver_err = check_resolver(conf, resolvers, ip) if check_resolver_err: errors += check_resolver_err if check_resolver_warn: warnings += check_resolver_warn services_info = ( ("MS_SERVER_NAME", "mediaserver", "ubicast-mediaserver"), ("MONITOR_SERVER_NAME", "monitor", "ubicast-monitor"), ("CM_SERVER_NAME", "mirismanager", "ubicast-skyreach"), ) for conf_name, default_domain, package in services_info: domain = conf.get(conf_name) resolution_ignored = conf.get("TESTER_DNS_RESOLUTION_IGNORED", "").split(",") if ( domain and domain not in ("localhost", default_domain) and domain not in resolution_ignored ): # check that the service is installed on this system status, _ = subprocess.getstatusoutput("dpkg -s {}".format(package)) if status == 0: u.info("checking IP of {}".format(domain)) check_dns_warn, check_dns_err = check_dns(domain, ip, resolvers) if check_dns_err: errors += check_dns_err if check_dns_warn: warnings += check_dns_warn else: u.info("{} not installed, skip {}".format(package, domain)) if errors: exit(1) elif warnings: exit(3) if __name__ == "__main__": main()