#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2017, Florent Thiery ''' Criticality: Normal Checks that DNS records are provided by the customer servers are correctly set ''' import subprocess import os import sys import imp GREEN = '\033[92m' RED = '\033[91m' DEF = '\033[0m' def get_dns_servers(): servers = list() with open('/etc/resolv.conf', 'r') as f: d = f.read().strip() for l in d.split('\n'): if l.startswith('nameserver '): servers.append(l.split('nameserver ')[1]) if servers == ['']: # NetworkManager status, output = subprocess.getstatusoutput('nmcli -f all device show | grep IP4.DNS | awk \'{ print $2 }\'') servers.extend(output.split('\n')) return servers resolvers = get_dns_servers() def get_result(output): for line in output.split('\n'): if 'has address ' in line: return line.split('has address ')[1] def check_dns(hostname, expected_ip): all_ok = True for resolver in resolvers: status, output = subprocess.getstatusoutput('host "%s" "%s"' % (hostname, resolver)) if status == 0: color = GREEN address = get_result(output) if address == "" and resolver == "": pass elif address != expected_ip: print('Expected ip was: "%s", got "%s".' % (expected_ip, address)) color = RED all_ok = False else: color = RED all_ok = False address = 'FAIL' print('%sDNS resolution of "%s" on server "%s" returned "%s".%s' % (color, hostname, resolver, address, DEF)) return all_ok os.chdir(os.path.dirname(__file__)) if not os.path.isfile('../utils.py'): print('conf.sh not found') sys.exit(1) es_utils = imp.load_source('es_utils', '../utils.py') conf = es_utils.load_conf() all_ok = True conf_resolvers_keys = ( 'NETWORK_DNS1', 'NETWORK_DNS2', ) for conf_resolver_key in conf_resolvers_keys: conf_resolver = conf.get(conf_resolver_key) if conf_resolver and conf_resolver != '0' and conf_resolver not in resolvers: print('Resolver %s not configured on the system.' % conf_resolver) all_ok = False ip = conf.get('NETWORK_IP_NAT') if not ip or ip == '0': ip = conf.get('NETWORK_IP') if not ip or ip == '0': if not all_ok: sys.exit(1) print('No IP set in configuration file, unable to test DNS.') sys.exit(2) services_info = ( ('MS_SERVER_NAME', 'mediaserver', 'python3-mediaserver'), ('MONITOR_SERVER_NAME', 'monitor', 'python3-mediaserver-monitor'), ('CM_SERVER_NAME', 'campusmanager', 'campus-manager'), ) for conf_name, default_domain, package in services_info: domain = conf.get(conf_name) if domain and domain != default_domain: # check that the service is installed on this system status, output = subprocess.getstatusoutput('dpkg -s %s' % package) if status == 0: print('Checking IP of "%s".' % domain) ok = check_dns(domain, ip) if not ok: all_ok = False else: print('Package %s is not installed, IP of "%s" will not be checked.' % (package, domain)) if not all_ok: sys.exit(1) else: sys.exit(0)