#!/bin/bash if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ] then echo "Please run as root" exit fi add-apt-repository universe apt update apt full-upgrade -y apt install git cd /root read -p "HTTP proxy (e.g. proxy:8080, enter to skip):" PROXY if [ -z "$PROXY" ]; then git clone https://panel.ubicast.eu/git/mediaserver/envsetup.git -b stable else git -c "http.proxy=$PROXY" clone https://panel.ubicast.eu/git/mediaserver/envsetup.git -b stable git config --global http.sslVerify false echo "SKYREACH_SSL_VERIFY='0'" >> /root/envsetup/conf.sh echo "Remember to run this after this script completes:" echo "export https_proxy='http://proxy:8080'" echo "export http_proxy='http://proxy:8080'" fi cd envsetup read -p "Paste deployment key (e.g. XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX):" KEY echo "SKYREACH_ACTIVATION_KEY='$KEY'" >> /root/envsetup/conf.sh echo "All done, you can now run /root/envsetup/launcher.sh something"