#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Criticality: High Tests that all webserver services (vhosts) are available and reachable. ''' import imp import os import re import requests import socket import sys try: from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning) except ImportError: requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() ''' This script checks for all enabled vhosts in Nginx conf that: * The response status code is 200 or 403. * The host is resolved as * The Wowza response is correct on /streaming/ (only for mediaserver vhosts). ''' # check that Nginx dir exists nginx_dir = '/etc/nginx/sites-enabled' if not os.path.exists(nginx_dir): print('Nginx dir does not exists ("%s").' % nginx_dir) sys.exit(2) # check that Wowza is installed wowza_dir = '/usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine' if not os.path.exists(wowza_dir): print('Info: Wowza is not installed ("%s" does not exist).' % wowza_dir) wowza_dir = None else: print('Info: Wowza is installed, /streaming/ will be tested on mediaserver vhosts.') # get envsetup conf conf = dict() os.chdir(os.path.dirname(__file__)) if os.path.isfile('../utils.py'): es_utils = imp.load_source('es_utils', '../utils.py') conf = es_utils.load_conf() # get celerity conf celerity_conf = '' if os.path.exists('/etc/celerity/config.py'): with open('/etc/celerity/config.py', 'r') as fo: celerity_conf = fo.read() # get enabled vhosts resolution_ignored = conf.get('TESTER_VHOST_RESOLUTION_IGNORED', '').split(',') resolution_ignored.append('default_server') found = False errors = 0 warnings = 0 names = os.listdir(nginx_dir) names.sort() for name in names: path = os.path.join(nginx_dir, name) with open(path, 'r') as fo: vhost = fo.read() vhost = vhost.replace('\t', ' ') matching = re.search(r'.*server_name\ +([0-9a-zA-Z\.\-\_\ ]+);.*', vhost) if not matching: print('The server_name was not found in: "%s".' % path) errors += 1 continue domains = matching.groups()[0].strip().split(' ') https = re.search(r'listen +\w* +ssl', vhost) is not None \ or re.search(r'ssl +on;', vhost) is not None for domain in domains: if domain == 'localhost': continue # status vhost found = True url = '%s://%s' % ('https' if https else 'http', domain) sys.stdout.write('Testing url "%s":\n' % url) if name.startswith('mediaserver') and url not in celerity_conf: sys.stdout.write('\033[93mWarning:\033[0m Url "%s" not found in celerity conf; it should also be set in the MediaWorker.\n' % url) warnings += 1 # test domain IP ip_error = None ip_warning = None try: ip = socket.gethostbyname(domain) except Exception as e: ip_error = 'domain is not resolved: %s' % e else: if ip != '': ip_warning = 'domain is resolved with %s instead of' % ip sys.stdout.write(' IP: ') if ip_error: if domain in resolution_ignored: sys.stdout.write('\033[94mIgnored (%s)\033[0m' % ip_error) ip_error = None else: sys.stdout.write('\033[91mKO (%s)\033[0m' % ip_error) elif ip_warning: if domain in resolution_ignored: sys.stdout.write('\033[94mIgnored (%s)\033[0m' % ip_warning) ip_warning = None else: sys.stdout.write('\033[93mWarning (%s)\033[0m' % ip_warning) else: sys.stdout.write('\033[92mOK (\033[0m') # test url sys.stdout.write(', status: ') req_error = False try: req = requests.get(url, verify=False, proxies={'http': '', 'https': ''}, timeout=30) req_time = int(1000 * req.elapsed.total_seconds()) except Exception as e: code = str(e) req_time = 0 else: code = req.status_code if code not in (200, 403): sys.stdout.write('\033[91mKO (%s, %sms)\033[0m' % (code, req_time)) req_error = True else: if req_time > 10000: sys.stdout.write('\033[93mOK (%s, %sms)\033[0m' % (code, req_time)) warnings += 1 else: sys.stdout.write('\033[92mOK (%s, %sms)\033[0m' % (code, req_time)) if 'mediaserver' in name and wowza_dir: # test /streaming url sys.stdout.write(', streaming: ') try: req = requests.get(url + '/streaming/', verify=False, proxies={'http': '', 'https': ''}, timeout=30) req_time = int(1000 * req.elapsed.total_seconds()) except Exception as e: code = str(e) req_time = 0 else: code = req.status_code if code != 200: sys.stdout.write('\033[91mKO (%s, %sms)\033[0m' % (code, req_time)) req_error = True elif req_time > 10000: sys.stdout.write('\033[93mOK (%s, %sms)\033[0m' % (code, req_time)) else: sys.stdout.write('\033[92mOK (%s, %sms)\033[0m' % (code, req_time)) sys.stdout.write('.\n') if ip_warning: warnings += 1 if ip_error or req_error: errors += 1 if errors: print('%s vhost(s) did not correctly respond.' % errors) sys.exit(1) elif warnings: sys.exit(3) if not found: print('No vhost found in Nginx sites-enabled dir.') sys.exit(1)