diff --git a/tests/test_email.py b/tests/test_email.py
index 157bd6a5fa31bdc01f7979ca87eb3dd468d63b28..381bd2e5b436f3685ca099761e71bd468cc74d83 100755
--- a/tests/test_email.py
+++ b/tests/test_email.py
@@ -1,151 +1,191 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 Criticality: High
 Check that emails can be sent.
 import os
 import subprocess
 import sys
 import random
 import time
-import imp
+# install spf lib if not present
     import spf
 except ImportError:
-    subprocess.check_call(['apt-get', '-qq', '-y', 'install', 'python3-spf'])
+    subprocess.check_call(["apt-get", "-qq", "-y", "install", "python3-spf"])
     import spf
-if subprocess.call(['which', 'netstat']) != 0:
-    subprocess.check_call(['apt-get', '-qq', '-y', 'install', 'net-tools'])
-YELLOW = '\033[93m'
-GREEN = '\033[92m'
-RED = '\033[91m'
-DEF = '\033[0m'
+# install netstat if not present
+if subprocess.call(["which", "netstat"]) != 0:
+    subprocess.check_call(["apt-get", "-qq", "-y", "install", "net-tools"])
-if not os.path.isfile('../utils.py'):
-    print('The envsetup configuration was not found.')
-    sys.exit(1)
-    es_utils = imp.load_source('es_utils', '../utils.py')
-    conf = es_utils.load_conf()
+# pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
+from envsetup import utils as u  # noqa: E402
-def print_color(txt, col):
-    print('%s%s%s' % (col, txt, DEF))
+def check_listen() -> int:
+    """Check that Postfix is listening on
-def print_yellow(txt):
-    print_color(txt, YELLOW)
+    :return: Exit return code
+    :rtype: int
+    """
+    print("Checking that postfix is listening locally:")
-def print_red(txt):
-    print_color(txt, RED)
+    # get listening state from netstat
+    status, out = subprocess.getstatusoutput("netstat -pant | grep master | grep ':25'")
+    if status != 0 or "" not in out:
+        u.error("Postfix is not listening on")
+        return 1
-def print_green(txt):
-    print_color(txt, GREEN)
+    u.success("Postfix is listening on")
-def check_listening_port():
-    # check that postfix listens the port 25 correctly
-    status, out = subprocess.getstatusoutput('netstat -pant | grep master | grep ":25"')
-    if status != 0:
-        print_red('The port 25 is not listened by postfix "master" process.')
-        return 1
-    print_green('Postfix "master" process is listening port 25 correctly.')
-    if '' not in out:
-        print_red('Postfix "master" process is not listening address, please check postfix configuration.')
-        print('Postfix should listen address to be sure that this server cannot be used as an SMTP relay by external services.')
-        return 1
-    print_green('Postfix "master" process is listening address correctly.')
     return 0
-def check_relay():
-    print('Checking if SMTP relay conforms to conf.')
-    status, out = subprocess.getstatusoutput('grep relayhost /etc/postfix/main.cf')
+def check_relay(conf: dict) -> int:
+    """Check that Postfix is not an open relay.
+    :param conf: EnvSetup configuration settings
+    :type conf: dict
+    :return: Exit return code
+    :rtype: int
+    """
+    print("Checking that SMTP relay conforms to conf:")
+    # get relayhost value from Postfix config
+    status, out = subprocess.getstatusoutput("grep relayhost /etc/postfix/main.cf")
     if status == 0:
-        configured_relay = out[len('relayhost'):].strip(' \t=').replace('[', '').replace(']', '')
+        configured_relay = (
+            out[len("relayhost") :].strip(" \t=").replace("[", "").replace("]", "")
+        )
-        configured_relay = ''
+        configured_relay = ""
     if not configured_relay:
-        # no relay configured, check relayless situations
-        ip = conf.get('NETWORK_IP_NAT')
-        if not ip:
-            ip = conf.get('NETWORK_IP')
-        if not ip:
-            print_yellow('Cannot determine public IP address')
+        # check public ip address
+        ip_addr = conf.get("NETWORK_IP_NAT")
+        if not ip_addr:
+            ip_addr = conf.get("NETWORK_IP")
+        if not ip_addr:
+            u.warning("Cannot determine public IP address")
             return 3
-        with open('/etc/mailname', 'r') as f:
-            d = f.read().strip()
-        if d not in ('ubicast.tv', 'ubicast.eu'):
-            print_yellow('/etc/mailname does not contain ubicast.eu or ubicast.tv, mails will probably not be received on ubicast mailing lists')
+        # check domain origin
+        with open("/etc/mailname", "r") as mailname:
+            data = mailname.read().strip()
+        if data not in ("ubicast.tv", "ubicast.eu"):
+            u.warning("/etc/mailname does not contain ubicast.eu or ubicast.tv")
             return 3
         # check spf
-        result, explain = spf.check2(i=ip, s='support@ubicast.eu', h='')
-        if result != 'pass':
-            print_red('ip %s is not in ubicast.eu SPF and emails sent from support@ubicast.eu may be treated as spam' % ip)
+        result, _ = spf.check2(i=ip_addr, s="support@ubicast.eu", h="")
+        if result != "pass":
+            u.error("SPF record for {} in ubicast.eu is missing".format(ip_addr))
             return 3
-    conf_relay = conf.get('EMAIL_SMTP_SERVER', '').replace('[', '').replace(']', '')
+    # get relayhost value from envsetup config
+    conf_relay = conf.get("EMAIL_SMTP_SERVER", "").replace("[", "").replace("]", "")
     if conf_relay != configured_relay:
-        print_red('Configured STMP relay (%s) does not match the expected value (%s).' % (configured_relay, conf_relay))
+        u.error("STMP relay must be {}".format(conf_relay))
         return 3
-    else:
-        print_green('STMP relay is properly set.')
-        return 0
+    u.success("STMP relay is properly set")
+    return 0
+def check_send_test_email() -> int:
+    """Check that Postfix can send email.
+    :return: Exit return code
+    :rtype: int
+    """
+    print("Checking Postfix can send email:")
-def send_test_email():
-    email = 'noreply+%s-%s@ubicast.eu' % (time.time(), random.randint(0, 1000))
-    print('Sending test email to "%s".' % email)
-    cmd = 'echo "This is a test email" | mail -s "Test email from `cat /etc/hostname`" %s' % email
+    # send email
+    email = "noreply+{}-{}@ubicast.eu".format(time.time(), random.randint(0, 1000))
+    u.info("Sending test email to '{}'".format(email))
+    cmd = "echo 'test email' | mail -s 'test email' {}".format(email)
+    # init vars
     timeout = 120
     waited = 1
     delay = 2
-    print('Timeout to find email sending log is set to %s seconds.' % timeout)
-    out = ''
-    if os.path.isfile('/var/log/mail.log'):
-        cmd = 'grep "%s" /var/log/mail.log' % email
+    out = ""
+    # find logs
+    if os.path.isfile("/var/log/mail.log"):
+        cmd = "grep '{}' /var/log/mail.log".format(email)
-        print('/var/log/mail.log not found, trying journalctl')
-        cmd = 'journalctl -u postfix | grep %s' % email
+        u.info("/var/log/mail.log not found, trying journalctl")
+        cmd = "journalctl -u postfix | grep {}".format(email)
+    # logs polling
     while True:
         status, out = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd)
+        # found
         if status == 0:
-            out = out.strip().split('\n')[-1]
-            if 'status=deferred' not in out:
-                print('Log entry found after %s seconds.' % waited)
+            out = out.strip().split("\n")[-1]
+            if "status=deferred" not in out:
+                u.info("Log entry found after {} seconds".format(waited))
+        # timeout
         if waited >= timeout:
-            print_red('Failed to send email.')
-            print('No log entry found after %s seconds using command: %s' % (waited, cmd))
+            u.error("Failed to send email.")
+            u.info(
+                "No log entry found after {} seconds using command: {}".format(
+                    waited, cmd
+                )
+            )
             return 1
-        print('No log entry found after %s seconds, waiting %s more seconds...' % (waited, delay))
+        # not found yet
+        u.info(
+            "No log entry found after {} seconds, waiting {} more seconds...".format(
+                waited, delay
+            )
+        )
+        # wait before next iteration
         waited += delay
         delay *= 2
-    if 'bounced' not in out or 'The email account that you tried to reach does not exist.' in out:
-        print_green('Email sent.')
-        return 0
-    else:
-        print_red('Failed to send email.')
-        print('Sending log line:\n%s' % out)
+    # check output for errors
+    if "bounced" in out or "you tried to reach does not exist" in out:
+        u.error("Failed to send email")
+        u.info("Sending log line:\n{}".format(out))
         return 1
+    u.success("Email sent.")
+    return 0
+def main():
+    """Run all checks and exits with corresponding exit code."""
+    if not os.path.exists("/etc/postfix"):
+        u.error("Postfix dir does not exists, please install postfix")
+        sys.exit(1)
+    conf = u.load_conf()
+    rcode = check_listen()
+    if rcode == 0:
+        rcode = check_relay(conf)
+        if check_send_test_email() == 1:
+            rcode = 1
-if not os.path.exists('/etc/postfix'):
-    print_red('Postfix dir does not exists, please install postfix.')
-    sys.exit(1)
+    sys.exit(rcode)
-rc = check_listening_port()
-if rc == 0:
-    rc = check_relay()
-    if send_test_email() == 1:
-        rc = 1
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/tests/test_postgresql.py b/tests/test_postgresql.py
index 8206300a0fea9aff209d434c4b35eceab5b3f43e..5767eca67362cfc76b85e1cc2f8e2615a111f462 100755
--- a/tests/test_postgresql.py
+++ b/tests/test_postgresql.py
@@ -4,8 +4,6 @@ Criticality: High
 This test check the current state of the PostgreSQL database cluster.
-import imp
-import os
 import re
 import socket
 import subprocess
@@ -13,45 +11,15 @@ import sys
 import time
 import uuid
     import psycopg2
 except ImportError:
-GREEN = "\033[92m"
-YELLOW = "\033[93m"
-RED = "\033[91m"
-DEF = "\033[0m"
-def success(message: str):
-    """Print formatted success message.
-    :param message: Message to print
-    :type message: str
-    """
-    print(" {}✔{} {}".format(GREEN, DEF, message))
-def warning(message: str):
-    """Print formatted warning message.
-    :param message: Message to print
-    :type message: str
-    """
-    print(" {}âš {} {}".format(YELLOW, DEF, message))
-def error(message: str):
-    """Print formatted error message.
-    :param message: Message to print
-    :type message: str
-    """
-    print(" {}✖{} {}".format(RED, DEF, message))
+# pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
+from envsetup import utils as u  # noqa: E402
 def is_ha(port: int) -> bool:
@@ -254,7 +222,6 @@ def check_replication(primary: dict, standby: dict) -> tuple:
     rand = uuid.uuid4().hex
     write_query = "CREATE TABLE es_test_{} (id serial PRIMARY KEY);".format(rand)
     read_query = "SELECT * FROM es_test_{};".format(rand)
-    del_query = "DROP TABLE es_test_{};".format(rand)
     # write
@@ -281,7 +248,7 @@ def check_replication(primary: dict, standby: dict) -> tuple:
     # delete
-        primary_psql.execute(del_query)
+        primary_psql.execute("DROP TABLE es_test_{};".format(rand))
     except psycopg2.Error:
@@ -314,15 +281,15 @@ def check_ha(db_conn: dict, errors: int = 0) -> int:
     # check haproxy
     print("Checking local HAProxy frontends:")
     if not check_listen(db_conn["host"], 54321):
-        error("HAProxy pgsql-primary frontend is not listening")
+        u.error("HAProxy pgsql-primary frontend is not listening")
         errors += 1
-        success("HAProxy pgsql-primary frontend is listening")
+        u.success("HAProxy pgsql-primary frontend is listening")
     if not check_listen(db_conn["host"], 54322):
-        error("HAProxy pgsql-standby frontend is not listening")
+        u.error("HAProxy pgsql-standby frontend is not listening")
         errors += 1
-        success("HAProxy pgsql-standby frontend is listening")
+        u.success("HAProxy pgsql-standby frontend is listening")
     # check remotes
     print("Checking remote PostgreSQL nodes:")
@@ -330,19 +297,19 @@ def check_ha(db_conn: dict, errors: int = 0) -> int:
         node_host = nodes[node]["host"]
         node_port = nodes[node]["port"]
         if not check_listen(node_host, node_port):
-            error("Cannot bind {}:{}".format(node_host, node_port))
+            u.error("Cannot bind {}:{}".format(node_host, node_port))
             errors += 1
-            success("Can bind {}:{}".format(node_host, node_port))
+            u.success("Can bind {}:{}".format(node_host, node_port))
     # check fenced
     print("Checking cluster state:")
     fenced, node = check_fenced(nodes)
     if fenced:
-        error("Node `{}` is fenced".format(node))
+        u.error("Node `{}` is fenced".format(node))
         errors += 1
-        success("No fenced node found")
+        u.success("No fenced node found")
     # check replication
     print("Checking replication state:")
@@ -352,10 +319,10 @@ def check_ha(db_conn: dict, errors: int = 0) -> int:
     standby["port"] = 54322
     status, info = check_replication(primary, standby)
     if not status:
-        error("Cannot replicate between primary/standby ({})".format(info))
+        u.error("Cannot replicate between primary/standby ({})".format(info))
         errors += 1
-        success("Can replicate between primary/standby ({})".format(info))
+        u.success("Can replicate between primary/standby ({})".format(info))
     return errors
@@ -371,27 +338,27 @@ def check_local(db_conn: dict, errors: int = 0) -> int:
     :rtype: int
-    db_host = db_conn["host"]
-    db_port = db_conn["port"]
-    db_user = db_conn["user"]
+    host = db_conn["host"]
+    port = db_conn["port"]
+    user = db_conn["user"]
     # check listen
     print("Checking local PostgreSQL node:")
-    if not check_listen(db_host, db_port):
-        error("Cannot connect to {}:{}".format(db_host, db_port))
+    if not check_listen(host, port):
+        u.error("Cannot connect to {}:{}".format(host, port))
         errors += 1
-        success("Can connect to {}:{}".format(db_host, db_port))
+        u.success("Can connect to {}:{}".format(host, port))
     # check read
     print("Checking read operation:")
     read_query = "SELECT 1;"
     status, info = check_psql(db_conn, read_query)
     if not status:
-        error("Cannot read from {}@{}:{} ({})".format(db_user, db_host, db_port, info))
+        u.error("Cannot read from {}@{}:{} ({})".format(user, host, port, info))
         errors += 1
-        success("Can read from {}@{}:{}".format(db_user, db_host, db_port))
+        u.success("Can read from {}@{}:{}".format(user, host, port))
     # check write
     print("Checking write operation:")
@@ -399,10 +366,10 @@ def check_local(db_conn: dict, errors: int = 0) -> int:
     write_query = "CREATE TABLE es_test_{} (id serial PRIMARY KEY);".format(rand)
     status, info = check_psql(db_conn, write_query)
     if not status:
-        error("Cannot write on {}@{}:{} ({})".format(db_user, db_host, db_port, info))
+        u.error("Cannot write on {}@{}:{} ({})".format(user, host, port, info))
         errors += 1
-        success("Can write on {}@{}:{}".format(db_user, db_host, db_port))
+        u.success("Can write on {}@{}:{}".format(user, host, port))
         # remove test table
         check_psql(db_conn, "DROP TABLE es_test_{};".format(rand))
@@ -412,20 +379,8 @@ def check_local(db_conn: dict, errors: int = 0) -> int:
 def main():
     """Run all checks and exits with corresponding exit code."""
-    # envsetup utils path
-    cwd = os.path.dirname(__file__)
-    utils = os.path.join(cwd, "..", "utils.py")
-    # check envsetup utils presence
-    if not os.path.isfile(utils):
-        error("{} not found.".format(utils))
-        sys.exit(1)
-    # load envsetup utils
-    es_utils = imp.load_source("es_utils", utils)
     # load configuration
-    conf = es_utils.load_conf()
+    conf = u.load_conf()
     # get database configuration
     db_host = conf.get("DB_HOST") if conf.get("DB_HOST") else ""
diff --git a/utils.py b/utils.py
index 95c64d92c3c4affa13329c346a66f84cb41dae65..0629672530e14943b551b3284fa9f1f23bed5f75 100644
--- a/utils.py
+++ b/utils.py
@@ -1,54 +1,154 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+"""EnvSetup utilities."""
 from collections import OrderedDict
 import os
 import subprocess
 import sys
+from typing import Any
+RED = "\033[91m"
+GREEN = "\033[92m"
+YELLOW = "\033[93m"
+BLUE = "\033[94m"
+DEF = "\033[0m"
+DEFAULT_CONF_PATH = "global-conf.sh"
+AUTO_CONF_PATH = "auto-generated-conf.sh"
+CONF_PATH = "conf.sh"
-DEFAULT_CONF_PATH = 'global-conf.sh'
-AUTO_CONF_PATH = 'auto-generated-conf.sh'
-CONF_PATH = 'conf.sh'
-CONF = dict()
+def log(text: str, error: bool = False):
+    """Output log message to stout or stderr.
+    :param text: Message to log
+    :type text: str
+    :param error: Wether it should output to stderr or not, defaults to False
+    :param error: bool, optional
+    """
-def log(text, error=False):
     fo = sys.stderr if error else sys.stdout
     print(text, file=fo)
-def get_dir(file_path):
+def info(message: str):
+    """Print formatted info message.
+    :param message: Message to print
+    :type message: str
+    """
+    print(" {}🛈{} {}".format(GREEN, DEF, message))
+def success(message: str):
+    """Print formatted success message.
+    :param message: Message to print
+    :type message: str
+    """
+    print(" {}✔{} {}".format(GREEN, DEF, message))
+def warning(message: str):
+    """Print formatted warning message.
+    :param message: Message to print
+    :type message: str
+    """
+    print(" {}âš {} {}".format(YELLOW, DEF, message))
+def error(message: str):
+    """Print formatted error message.
+    :param message: Message to print
+    :type message: str
+    """
+    print(" {}✖{} {}".format(RED, DEF, message))
+def get_dir(file_path: str) -> str:
+    """Get the absolute directory path for the given file.
+    :param file_path: File path
+    :type file_path: str
+    :return: Absolute directory path
+    :rtype: str
+    """
     return os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(file_path)))
-def exec_cmd(cmd, log_output=True, get_output=True):
+def exec_cmd(cmd: Any, log_output: bool = True, get_output: bool = True) -> tuple:
+    """Execute the given command.
+    :param cmd: Command to run
+    :type cmd: Any
+    :param log_output: Wether to log output or not, defaults to True
+    :param log_output: bool, optional
+    :param get_output: Wether to return output or not, defaults to True
+    :param get_output: bool, optional
+    :return: Return code and output
+    :rtype: tuple
+    """
     shell = not isinstance(cmd, (tuple, list))
     stdout = subprocess.PIPE if get_output or not log_output else sys.stdout
     stderr = subprocess.PIPE if get_output or not log_output else sys.stderr
-    p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=sys.stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, shell=shell)
+    # execute
+    p = subprocess.Popen(
+        cmd, stdin=sys.stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, shell=shell
+    )
     out, err = p.communicate()
+    # send to the correct output
     if get_output:
-        out = out.decode('utf-8').strip() if out else ''
+        out = out.decode("utf-8").strip() if out else ""
         if err:
             if out:
-                out += '\n'
-            out += err.decode('utf-8').strip()
+                out += "\n"
+            out += err.decode("utf-8").strip()
         out = out.strip()
         if log_output:
     elif log_output:
     return p.returncode, out
-def check_cmd(cmd, log_output=False):
-    code, out = exec_cmd(cmd, log_output, False)
+def check_cmd(cmd: Any, log_output: bool = False) -> int:
+    """Get the return code of the given command.
+    :param cmd: Command to execute
+    :type cmd: Any
+    :param log_output: Wether to log output or not, defaults to False
+    :param log_output: bool, optional
+    :return: Return code
+    :rtype: int
+    """
+    code, _ = exec_cmd(cmd, log_output, False)
     return code
-def load_conf():
+def load_conf() -> dict:
+    """Load EnvSetup configuration settings.
+    :return: Configuration settings
+    :rtype: dict
+    """
+    conf = {}
     base_dir = get_dir(__file__)
     files = (
         (os.path.join(base_dir, DEFAULT_CONF_PATH), True),
@@ -60,94 +160,119 @@ def load_conf():
     for path, is_default in files:
         if not os.path.exists(path):
             if is_default:
-                log('The configuration file for EnvSetup script does not exist.\nPath of configuration file: %s' % path, error=True)
+                log(
+                    "The configuration file '{}' does not exist.".format(path),
+                    error=True,
+                )
                 return dict()
         # Load conf
-        with open(path, 'r') as fo:
+        with open(path, "r") as fo:
             content = fo.read()
         # Parse conf
-        for line in content.split('\n'):
+        for line in content.split("\n"):
             line = line.strip()
-            if line and not line.startswith('#') and '=' in line:
-                name, *val = line.split('=')
-                name = name.strip(' \t\'\"')
-                val = ('='.join(val)).strip(' \t\'\"')
-                CONF[name] = val
+            if line and not line.startswith("#") and "=" in line:
+                name, *val = line.split("=")
+                name = name.strip(" \t'\"")
+                val = ("=".join(val)).strip(" \t'\"")
+                conf[name] = val
                 if is_default:
                     override[name] = False
                     only_default = False
                     override[name] = True
-    CONF['_override'] = override
+    conf["_override"] = override
     # Check a value to know if the config file has been changed
     if only_default:
-        log('\033[93mWarning:\033[0m')
-        log('The configuration is using only default values.')
-        log('Perhaps you forget to change the configuration.')
-        log('Path of configuration file: %s' % os.path.join(base_dir, CONF_PATH))
-        log('Perhaps you want to quit this script to change the configuration?\n')
-    return CONF
+        log("\033[93mWarning:\033[0m")
+        log("The configuration is using only default values.")
+        log("Perhaps you forget to change the configuration.")
+        log("Path of configuration file: %s" % os.path.join(base_dir, CONF_PATH))
+        log("Perhaps you want to quit this script to change the configuration?\n")
+    return conf
+def get_conf(name: str, default: str = None) -> str:
+    """Get the given configuration parameter.
+    :param name: Parameter name
+    :type name: str
+    :param default: Default parameter value, defaults to None
+    :param default: str, optional
+    :return: Parameter value
+    :rtype: str
+    """
+    conf = load_conf()
+    return conf.get(name, default)
-def get_conf(name, default=None):
-    if not CONF:
-        load_conf()
-    return CONF.get(name, default)
+def run_commands(cmds: list):
+    """Run a serie of successive commands.
+    :param cmds: List of commands
+    :type cmds: list
+    :raises Exception: Houston we have a problem
+    """
-def run_commands(cmds):
-    # run a serie of successive commands
         # Execute commands
         for cmd in cmds:
             if not isinstance(cmd, dict):
                 cmd = dict(line=cmd)
-            if cmd.get('cond'):
-                cond = cmd['cond']
-                negate = cmd.get('cond_neg')
-                skip = cmd.get('cond_skip')
+            if cmd.get("cond"):
+                cond = cmd["cond"]
+                negate = cmd.get("cond_neg")
+                skip = cmd.get("cond_skip")
                 code = check_cmd(cond)
-                success = code != 0 if negate else code == 0
-                if not success:
-                    msg = 'Condition for command "%s" not fullfilled.' % cmd['line']
+                valid = code != 0 if negate else code == 0
+                if not valid:
+                    msg = 'Condition for command "%s" not fullfilled.' % cmd["line"]
                     if skip:
-                        log('%s Command skipped.' % msg)
+                        log("%s Command skipped." % msg)
                     raise Exception(msg)
-            if cmd['line'] == 'write':
-                if not cmd.get('target'):
-                    raise Exception('No target file to write in.')
-                if cmd.get('backup') and os.path.exists(cmd['target']) and not os.path.exists(cmd['target'] + '.back'):
-                    os.rename(cmd['target'], cmd['target'] + '.back')
-                    log('A backup file has been created for:\n%s' % cmd['target'])
+            if cmd["line"] == "write":
+                if not cmd.get("target"):
+                    raise Exception("No target file to write in.")
+                if (
+                    cmd.get("backup")
+                    and os.path.exists(cmd["target"])
+                    and not os.path.exists(cmd["target"] + ".back")
+                ):
+                    os.rename(cmd["target"], cmd["target"] + ".back")
+                    log("A backup file has been created for:\n%s" % cmd["target"])
                 # Load content from template if any
-                content = cmd.get('content', '')
-                if cmd.get('template'):
-                    if not os.path.exists(cmd['template']):
-                        raise Exception('Template file does not exist: %s.' % cmd['template'])
-                    with open(cmd['template'], 'r') as fd:
+                content = cmd.get("content", "")
+                if cmd.get("template"):
+                    if not os.path.exists(cmd["template"]):
+                        raise Exception(
+                            "Template file does not exist: %s." % cmd["template"]
+                        )
+                    with open(cmd["template"], "r") as fd:
                         content = fd.read()
-                    if cmd.get('params'):
-                        for k, v in cmd['params']:
+                    if cmd.get("params"):
+                        for k, v in cmd["params"]:
                             content = content.replace(k, v)
                 # Write target file
-                with open(cmd['target'], 'w+') as fd:
+                with open(cmd["target"], "w+") as fd:
-                log('File %s written' % cmd['target'])
-            elif cmd['line'] == 'backup':
-                if not cmd.get('target'):
-                    raise Exception('No target file to backup.')
-                if not os.path.exists(cmd['target'] + '.back'):
-                    os.rename(cmd['target'], cmd['target'] + '.back')
-                    log('A backup file has been created for:\n%s' % cmd['target'])
+                log("File %s written" % cmd["target"])
+            elif cmd["line"] == "backup":
+                if not cmd.get("target"):
+                    raise Exception("No target file to backup.")
+                if not os.path.exists(cmd["target"] + ".back"):
+                    os.rename(cmd["target"], cmd["target"] + ".back")
+                    log("A backup file has been created for:\n%s" % cmd["target"])
-                    log('A backup file already exist for:\n%s' % cmd['target'])
+                    log("A backup file already exist for:\n%s" % cmd["target"])
-                log('>>> ' + cmd['line'])
-                code = check_cmd(cmd['line'], log_output=True)
+                log(">>> " + cmd["line"])
+                code = check_cmd(cmd["line"], log_output=True)
                 if code != 0:
-                    raise Exception('Command exited with code %s.' % code)
+                    raise Exception("Command exited with code %s." % code)
     except Exception as e:
-        log('Command failed:\n%s' % e)
+        log("Command failed:\n%s" % e)