diff --git a/2.Common_services/5.Nginx/vhost_cache.conf b/2.Common_services/5.Nginx/vhost_cache.conf
index 3eeff0f98860cd8c8a900ff1126d86b553fd2f4d..6076aad9fe3458e1255a4e87d3319f9d787a3a93 100644
--- a/2.Common_services/5.Nginx/vhost_cache.conf
+++ b/2.Common_services/5.Nginx/vhost_cache.conf
@@ -14,55 +14,18 @@ server {
     location /streaming/ {
-        # Live
-        location ~ \.m3u8$ {
-            rewrite ^/(.*)$ /$1? break;
-            proxy_pass {{ source_server }};
-            proxy_cache uc-cache;
-            # do not consider secure urls as new files
-            proxy_cache_key $scheme$proxy_host$uri;
-            # only one request at a time will be allowed to populate a new cache element 
-            proxy_cache_lock on;
-            # serve from cache while updating
-            proxy_cache_use_stale updating;
-            # ignore upstream headers
-            # http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_proxy_module.html#proxy_cache_valid
-            proxy_ignore_headers "Cache-Control" "X-Accel-Expires" "Expires";
-            # hide upstream X-Cache header
-            proxy_hide_header X-Cache;
-            # add own X-Cache header
-            add_header X-Cache $upstream_cache_status;
-            # m3u8-specific
-            # how long should the data be kept in this cache
-            proxy_cache_valid 200 2s;
-            # instruct browsers never to cache m3u8
-            expires -1;
-        }
-        location ~ \.ts$ {
-            rewrite ^/(.*)$ /$1? break;
-            proxy_pass {{ source_server }};
-            proxy_cache uc-cache;
-            # do not consider secure urls as new files
-            proxy_cache_key $scheme$proxy_host$uri;
-            # only one request at a time will be allowed to populate a new cache element 
-            proxy_cache_lock on;
-            # serve from cache while updating 
-            proxy_cache_use_stale updating;
-            # ignore upstream headers
-            # http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_proxy_module.html#proxy_cache_valid
-            proxy_ignore_headers "Cache-Control" "X-Accel-Expires" "Expires";
-            # hide upstream X-Cache header
-            proxy_hide_header X-Cache;
-            # add own X-Cache header
-            add_header X-Cache $upstream_cache_status;
-            # ts-specific
-            # how long should the data be kept in this cache
-            proxy_cache_valid 200 10s;
-            # instruct browsers to cache this for 6s
-            expires 6s;
-        }
+        # Live; expiration headers are defined by upstream (nginx/wowza)
+        rewrite ^/(.*)$ /$1? break;
+        proxy_pass {{ source_server }};
+        proxy_cache uc-cache;
+        # do not consider secure urls as new files
+        proxy_cache_key $scheme$proxy_host$uri;
+        # only one request at a time will be allowed to populate a new cache element
+        proxy_cache_lock on;
+        # hide upstream X-Cache header
+        proxy_hide_header X-Cache;
+        # add own X-Cache header
+        add_header X-Cache $upstream_cache_status;
     location /resources/ {
         # VOD