diff --git a/1.Utilities/0_setup.py b/1.Utilities/0_setup.py
index 837ef816bf9bd6bd1f1cf4eeb3f845311783a227..43356ff936349da6808ede9dfa8b8226fb654e42 100644
--- a/1.Utilities/0_setup.py
+++ b/1.Utilities/0_setup.py
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import utils
 def setup(interactive=True):
     cmds = [
+        'apt-get clean',
         'apt-get update',
         'apt-get install --yes make ipython ipython3 vim netcat git htop iotop bmon host lm-sensors munin munin-node pciutils ntp nfs-client smartmontools pwgen ntpdate dialog',
         '[ -f ~/.vimrc ] || echo "color ron" > ~/.vimrc',
diff --git a/envsetup.py b/envsetup.py
index e52df8aef21bff5161bc852777ee3b3e05923004..1dcc7267002bd7bbf641fb772b96fde396d4f3ef 100755
--- a/envsetup.py
+++ b/envsetup.py
@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ class EnvSetup():
         log('  c: Configuration status')
         log('  e: Exit\n')
-        log('\033[0;36m  To setup a system entirely for a determined purpose (Worker, MS, CM, ...), you can use envsetup-launcher:\033[0m')
-        log('\033[0;36m  bash /root/envsetup/envsetup-launcher.sh\033[0m')
+        log('\033[0;36m  To setup a system entirely for a determined purpose (Worker, MS, CM, ...), you can use the launcher:\033[0m')
+        log('\033[0;36m  bash /root/envsetup/launcher.sh\033[0m')
         log('\nWhat action do you want to start ?')
             target = input('---> ').strip()