diff --git a/tests/test_nginx_vhosts.py b/tests/test_nginx_vhosts.py
index 7cecdf9c44a548ee3f333e07ba2ce6c714220743..69b91d6115f1d4e933211c08c4dba947696a8301 100755
--- a/tests/test_nginx_vhosts.py
+++ b/tests/test_nginx_vhosts.py
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ Tests that all webserver services (vhosts) are available and reachable.
 import imp
 import os
+from pathlib import Path
 import re
 import requests
 import socket
@@ -27,18 +28,69 @@ This script checks for all enabled vhosts in Nginx conf that:
+def get_configs(path: str) -> list:
+    configs_dir = Path(path)
+    configs = [c.resolve() for c in configs_dir.glob("*.conf")]
+    return configs
+def get_vhosts(config: Path) -> list:
+    # remove comments and blank lines
+    sanitize = re.compile(r"(?:\s*#\s*.*)|(?:^\s*)", re.M)
+    # capture server blocks
+    servers = re.compile(r"^server\s+{(?:\s*(?!server\s{).)+", re.M)
+    with open(config) as config_fo:
+        config_content = sanitize.sub(r"", config_fo.read())
+        vhosts = servers.findall(config_content)
+    return vhosts
+def get_hostnames(vhost: str) -> list:
+    # extract hostname(s) from server_name values
+    server_names = re.compile(r"^\s*server_name\s+(.*);$")
+    hostnames = []
+    for line in vhost.splitlines():
+        if server_names.match(line):
+            hostnames.extend(server_names.match(line)[1].split())
+    return hostnames
+def get_ports(vhost: str) -> list:
+    # extract port(s) from listen values
+    listens = re.compile(r"^\s*listen\s+(?:.*:)?(\d+)\s*(ssl)?.*;$")
+    ports = []
+    for line in vhost.splitlines():
+        if listens.match(line):
+            ports.append(
+                (listens.match(line)[1], "https" if listens.match(line)[2] else "http")
+            )
+    return ports
 def test_vhost(
-    ports_info=None, domains=None, resolution_ignored=None, celerity_conf=""
+    ports_info=None,
+    domains=None,
+    resolution_ignored=None,
+    celerity_conf="",
+    nginx_file=None,
+    wowza_dir=None,
+    tested=0,
-    tested = 0
     errors = 0
     warnings = 0
-    for port, https in ports_info or [(80, False)]:
+    name = nginx_file.stem
+    for port, proto in ports_info or [(80, False)]:
         for domain in domains or ["localhost"]:
-            tested += 1
-            url = "%s://%s:%s" % ("https" if https else "http", domain, port)
-            sys.stdout.write('Testing url "%s":\n' % url)
-            if name.startswith("mediaserver"):
+            url = "%s://%s:%s" % (proto, domain, port)
+            sys.stdout.write('Testing url "%s" from %s:\n' % (url, name))
+            if name.startswith("mediaserver") and not tested:
                 if not celerity_conf or not re.search(
                     r"http[s]{0,1}://%s" % domain, celerity_conf
@@ -129,6 +181,7 @@ def test_vhost(
                             "\033[92mOK (%s, %sms)\033[0m" % (code, req_time)
+            tested += 1
             if ip_warning:
                 warnings += 1
@@ -138,7 +191,7 @@ def test_vhost(
     return tested, warnings, errors
-if __name__ == "__main__":
+def main():
     # check that Nginx dir exists
     nginx_dir = "/etc/nginx/sites-enabled"
     if not os.path.exists(nginx_dir):
@@ -170,50 +223,27 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     # get enabled vhosts
     resolution_ignored = conf.get("TESTER_VHOST_RESOLUTION_IGNORED", "").split(",")
-    tested = 0
     errors = 0
     warnings = 0
-    names = os.listdir(nginx_dir)
-    names.sort()
-    for name in names:
-        path = os.path.join(nginx_dir, name)
-        level = 0
-        domains = list()
-        ports_info = list()
-        print('Parsing vhost "%s"...' % path)
-        with open(path, "r") as fo:
-            for line in fo:
-                line = line.strip()
-                if not line or line.startswith("#"):
-                    continue
-                words = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", line).strip("; ").split(" ")
-                if "{" in words or "}" in words:
-                    level += words.count("{")
-                    level -= words.count("}")
-                    if level == 0:
-                        # test
-                        if ports_info or domains:
-                            t, w, e = test_vhost(
-                                ports_info, domains, resolution_ignored, celerity_conf
-                            )
-                            tested += t
-                            warnings += w
-                            errors += e
-                        domains = list()
-                        ports_info = list()
-                elif level == 1:
-                    # server section are level 1
-                    if words[0] == "listen":
-                        https = "ssl" in words
-                        for port in words:
-                            try:
-                                port = int(port.split(":")[-1])
-                            except ValueError:
-                                pass
-                            else:
-                                ports_info.append((port, https))
-                    elif words[0] == "server_name":
-                        domains = words[1:]
+    nginx_confs = get_configs(nginx_dir)
+    for nginx_conf in nginx_confs:
+        tested = 0
+        vhosts = get_vhosts(nginx_conf)
+        for vhost in vhosts:
+            hostnames = get_hostnames(vhost)
+            ports = get_ports(vhost)
+            t, w, e = test_vhost(
+                ports,
+                hostnames,
+                resolution_ignored,
+                celerity_conf,
+                nginx_conf,
+                wowza_dir,
+                tested,
+            )
+            tested += t
+            warnings += w
+            errors += e
     if errors:
         print("%s url(s) did not correctly respond." % errors)
@@ -223,3 +253,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     if not tested:
         print("No url found in Nginx sites-enabled dir.")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()