diff --git a/3.New_server_deployment/1.Download_envsetup_config/0_setup.py b/3.New_server_deployment/1.Download_envsetup_config/0_setup.py
index 379405e2bd167fa7f850d12b5f0b2c0ac5d4dbbe..d01670c01d6a184a801a88480ef12681475b087a 100644
--- a/3.New_server_deployment/1.Download_envsetup_config/0_setup.py
+++ b/3.New_server_deployment/1.Download_envsetup_config/0_setup.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 import os
+import subprocess
 import utils
@@ -14,11 +15,12 @@ def setup(interactive=True):
     with open('/root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub', 'r') as fo:
         public_key = fo.read()
     # Get requests module
-    cmds = [
-        'apt-get update',
-        'apt-get install -y python3-requests',
-    ]
-    utils.run_commands(cmds)
+    if subprocess.run(['dpkg', '-s', 'python3-requests'], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL).returncode != 0:
+        cmds = [
+            'apt-get update',
+            'apt-get install -y python3-requests',
+        ]
+        utils.run_commands(cmds)
     import requests
     # Check skyreach url
     verify = utils.get_conf('SKYREACH_SSL_VERIFY') != '0'
@@ -29,12 +31,18 @@ def setup(interactive=True):
     req = requests.head(sk_url, verify=verify, timeout=20)
     if req.status_code != 301:
         raise Exception('Unexpected response from "%s": code %s, should have been 301.' % (sk_url, req.status_code))
-    # Get conf using an activation key
-    act_key = utils.get_conf('SKYREACH_ACTIVATION_KEY')
-    if not act_key:
-        utils.log('\033[1;33m No activation key is set, skipping configuration download. \033[0m')
+    # Get conf using API key if already set or using an activation key
+    req = None
+    api_key = utils.get_conf('SKYREACH_API_KEY')
+    if api_key:
+        req = requests.post(sk_url + '/erp/credentials/envsetup-conf.sh', params=dict(api_key=api_key), data=dict(public_key=public_key), verify=verify, timeout=20)
+    else:
+        act_key = utils.get_conf('SKYREACH_ACTIVATION_KEY')
+        if act_key:
+            req = requests.post(sk_url + '/erp/credentials/envsetup-conf.sh', data=dict(key=act_key, public_key=public_key), verify=verify, timeout=20)
+    if not req:
+        utils.log('\033[1;33m No activation key nor API key are set, skipping configuration download. \033[0m')
-    req = requests.post(sk_url + '/erp/credentials/envsetup-conf.sh', data=dict(key=act_key, public_key=public_key), verify=verify, timeout=20)
     # Write conf
     if req.status_code != 200:
         if len(req.text) > 300:
@@ -49,10 +57,16 @@ def setup(interactive=True):
     utils.log('Configuration written.')
-    utils.log('Removing activation key from conf.sh')
-    with open('../../conf.sh', 'r') as f:
-        lines = f.readlines()
-    with open('../../conf.sh', 'w') as f:
-        for l in lines:
-            if not l.startswith('SKYREACH_ACTIVATION_KEY'):
-                f.write(l)
+    utils.log('Comment activation key in conf.sh')
+    path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(utils.get_dir(__file__))), 'conf.sh')
+    with open(path, 'r') as fo:
+        content = fo.read()
+    with open(path, 'w') as fo:
+        fo.write(content)
+    utils.log('Autogenerate empty conf.')
+    cmds = [
+        'bash fill_empty_conf.sh',
+    ]
+    utils.run_commands(cmds)
diff --git a/3.New_server_deployment/1.Download_envsetup_config/fill_empty_conf.sh b/3.New_server_deployment/1.Download_envsetup_config/fill_empty_conf.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8031be0c85e2d81effc362cdc979c873e23da28e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3.New_server_deployment/1.Download_envsetup_config/fill_empty_conf.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+source ../../global-conf.sh
+if ( dpkg -s pwgen >/dev/null 2>&1 ); then
+	echo "The pwgen package is already installed."
+	apt-get install -y -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" pwgen
+# Autogenerate missing values
+if [ "${MS_ID}" = "" ]; then
+	MS_ID=$(echo "$(hostname)_msuser")
+	if ( cat "$conf_path" | grep "MS_ID" >/dev/null ); then
+		sed -i "s@^MS_ID=.*@MS_ID='${MS_ID}'@" "$conf_path"
+	else
+		echo "MS_ID='${MS_ID}'" >> "$conf_path"
+	fi
+	echo -e "${YELLOW}The config MS_ID has been set. If you forgot to fill it before, please change the value in the envsetup configuration.${NC}"
+	sleep 3
+if [ "${MS_API_KEY}" = "" ]; then
+	MS_API_KEY=$(echo "s$(pwgen 4)-$(pwgen 5)-$(pwgen 5)-$(pwgen 5)-$(pwgen 5)")
+	# respect API pattern
+	MS_API_KEY=$(echo $MS_API_KEY | sed "s@[iloILO]@$((${RANDOM} / 10000))@g")
+	if ( cat "$conf_path" | grep "MS_API_KEY" >/dev/null ); then
+		sed -i "s@^MS_API_KEY=.*@MS_API_KEY='${MS_API_KEY}'@" "$conf_path"
+	else
+		echo "MS_API_KEY='${MS_API_KEY}'" >> "$conf_path"
+	fi
+	echo -e "${YELLOW}The config MS_API_KEY has been set. If you forgot to fill it before, please change the value in the envsetup configuration.${NC}"
+	sleep 3
+if [ "${MS_SECRET}" = "secret" ]; then
+	MS_SECRET=$(echo "$(pwgen 40)")
+	if ( cat "$conf_path" | grep "MS_SECRET" >/dev/null ); then
+		sed -i "s@^MS_SECRET=.*@MS_SECRET='${MS_SECRET}'@" "$conf_path"
+	else
+		echo "MS_SECRET='${MS_SECRET}'" >> "$conf_path"
+	fi
+	echo -e "${YELLOW}The config MS_SECRET has been set. If you forgot to fill it before, please change the value in the envsetup configuration.${NC}"
+	sleep 3
diff --git a/3.New_server_deployment/2.Fill_empty_conf/0_setup.sh b/3.New_server_deployment/2.Fill_empty_conf/0_setup.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index e8ac7039d4c178e83845aee3d9d5618f5f26a3a9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/3.New_server_deployment/2.Fill_empty_conf/0_setup.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-source /root/envsetup/global-conf.sh
-apt-get update
-apt-get install -y -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" pwgen
-# Autogenerate missing values
-if [ "${MS_ID}" = "" ]; then
-	MS_ID=$(echo "$(hostname)_msuser")
-	if ( cat "/root/envsetup/conf.sh" | grep "MS_ID" >/dev/null ); then
-		sed -i "s@^MS_ID=.*@MS_ID='${MS_ID}'@" /root/envsetup/conf.sh
-	else
-		echo "MS_ID='${MS_ID}'" >> /root/envsetup/conf.sh
-	fi
-	echo "${YELLOW}The config MS_ID has been set. If you forgot to fill it before, please change the value in the envsetup configuration.${NC}"
-	sleep 3
-if [ "${MS_API_KEY}" = "" ]; then
-	MS_API_KEY=$(echo "s$(pwgen 4)-$(pwgen 5)-$(pwgen 5)-$(pwgen 5)-$(pwgen 5)")
-	# respect API pattern
-	MS_API_KEY=$(echo $MS_API_KEY | sed "s@[iloILO]@$((${RANDOM} / 10000))@g")
-	if ( cat "/root/envsetup/conf.sh" | grep "MS_API_KEY" >/dev/null ); then
-		sed -i "s@^MS_API_KEY=.*@MS_API_KEY='${MS_API_KEY}'@" /root/envsetup/conf.sh
-	else
-		echo "MS_API_KEY='${MS_API_KEY}'" >> /root/envsetup/conf.sh
-	fi
-	echo "${YELLOW}The config MS_API_KEY has been set. If you forgot to fill it before, please change the value in the envsetup configuration.${NC}"
-	sleep 3
-if [ "${MS_SECRET}" = "secret" ]; then
-	MS_SECRET=$(echo "$(pwgen 40)")
-	if ( cat "/root/envsetup/conf.sh" | grep "MS_SECRET" >/dev/null ); then
-		sed -i "s@^MS_SECRET=.*@MS_SECRET='${MS_SECRET}'@" /root/envsetup/conf.sh
-	else
-		echo "MS_SECRET='${MS_SECRET}'" >> /root/envsetup/conf.sh
-	fi
-	echo "${YELLOW}The config MS_SECRET has been set. If you forgot to fill it before, please change the value in the envsetup configuration.${NC}"
-	sleep 3
diff --git a/3.New_server_deployment/3.Proxy_settings/0_setup.py b/3.New_server_deployment/2.Proxy_settings/0_setup.py
similarity index 100%
rename from 3.New_server_deployment/3.Proxy_settings/0_setup.py
rename to 3.New_server_deployment/2.Proxy_settings/0_setup.py
diff --git a/3.New_server_deployment/4.APT_upgrade/0_setup.sh b/3.New_server_deployment/3.APT_upgrade/0_setup.sh
similarity index 100%
rename from 3.New_server_deployment/4.APT_upgrade/0_setup.sh
rename to 3.New_server_deployment/3.APT_upgrade/0_setup.sh
diff --git a/3.New_server_deployment/4.APT_upgrade/sources.list b/3.New_server_deployment/3.APT_upgrade/sources.list
similarity index 100%
rename from 3.New_server_deployment/4.APT_upgrade/sources.list
rename to 3.New_server_deployment/3.APT_upgrade/sources.list
diff --git a/3.New_server_deployment/5.Dell_openmanage/0_setup.sh b/3.New_server_deployment/4.Dell_openmanage/0_setup.sh
similarity index 100%
rename from 3.New_server_deployment/5.Dell_openmanage/0_setup.sh
rename to 3.New_server_deployment/4.Dell_openmanage/0_setup.sh
diff --git a/launcher.sh b/launcher.sh
index 529bc590e041495b747a95e9e96590fa745d94c6..800fe3c9c45515019d4cf2e65ee8c45fdb0b9554 100755
--- a/launcher.sh
+++ b/launcher.sh
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ init() {
 	python3 -u /root/envsetup/envsetup.py 32
 	python3 -u /root/envsetup/envsetup.py 33
 	python3 -u /root/envsetup/envsetup.py 34
-	python3 -u /root/envsetup/envsetup.py 35
 	python3 -u /root/envsetup/envsetup.py 11
 	python3 -u /root/envsetup/envsetup.py 12