diff --git a/2.Common_services/4.Wowza/0_setup.py b/2.Common_services/4.Wowza/0_setup.py
index aabb21a774418bfcbb6902bbdd327b56b466ab98..d5f404647e1aacbc707711ab8a79be410593f996 100644
--- a/2.Common_services/4.Wowza/0_setup.py
+++ b/2.Common_services/4.Wowza/0_setup.py
@@ -12,14 +12,10 @@ def setup(interactive=True):
     if not license:
         utils.log('No Wowza license set, skipping Wowza installation.')
-    wowza_setup_name = 'WowzaStreamingEngine-4.7.1-linux-x64-installer.deb'
+    wowza_setup_name = 'WowzaStreamingEngine-4.7.7-linux-x64-installer.deb'
     utils.log('It may take a while to download the Wowza installer from the UbiCast server.')
-    if utils.check_cmd('lsb_release -a | grep 14') == 0:
-        jre_package = 'openjdk-7-jre-headless'  # 14.04
-    else:
-        jre_package = 'openjdk-8-jre-headless'  # 16.04
     cmds = [
-        'apt-get install -y %s' % jre_package,
+        'apt-get install -y openjdk-8-jre-headless',
         # Get and install Wowza
         '[ -f "/tmp/%(name)s" ] && (dpkg -I "/tmp/%(name)s" || rm "/tmp/%(name)s") || true' % {'name': wowza_setup_name},
         '[ -f "/tmp/%(name)s" ] || wget -q "https://panel.ubicast.eu/media/storage/%(name)s" -O "/tmp/%(name)s"' % {'name': wowza_setup_name},
@@ -27,8 +23,6 @@ def setup(interactive=True):
         # Configure Wowza
         'echo "%s" > /usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine/conf/Server.license' % license,
         'echo "ubicast %s admin" > /usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine/conf/admin.password' % utils.get_conf('WOWZA_MANAGER_PWD'),
-        'update-rc.d WowzaStreamingEngine defaults',
-        'update-rc.d WowzaStreamingEngineManager defaults',
         'chmod +x /usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine/logs',
         'cp -R /usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine/examples/LiveVideoStreaming/conf/live /usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine/conf/',
         'mkdir -p /usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine/applications/live',
@@ -36,8 +30,12 @@ def setup(interactive=True):
             ('{{ live_pwd }}', utils.get_conf('WOWZA_LIVE_PWD')),
         'cp "%s/Tune.xml" /usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine/conf/Tune.xml' % dir_path,
-        '/etc/init.d/WowzaStreamingEngine restart',
-        '/etc/init.d/WowzaStreamingEngineManager restart',
+        'sed -i "s@#### BEGIN INIT INFO@### BEGIN INIT INFO@" /etc/init.d/WowzaStreamingEngine',
+        'sed -i "s@#### BEGIN INIT INFO@### BEGIN INIT INFO@" /etc/init.d/WowzaStreamingEngineManager',
+        'systemctl enable WowzaStreamingEngine',
+        'systemctl enable WowzaStreamingEngineManager',
+        'systemctl restart WowzaStreamingEngine',
+        'systemctl restart WowzaStreamingEngineManager',
     ms_conf = '/etc/mediaserver/lives_conf.py'
     if os.path.exists(ms_conf):